Medical 3D Printing & Scanning
Welcome to the forefront of medical innovation. Unleash the potential of advanced healthcare with our Formlabs biocompatible 3D printers and Artec 3D scanners. Revolutionise clinical applications in orthopedics, plastics, prosthetics and orthotics, podiatry, audiology and medical research with precision and customised patient-centric care.
Formlabs Medical 3D Printers
Form 3B+ 3D Printer
An Advanced Desktop 3D Printer Designed for Healthcare
Rapidly print patient-specific parts at the point of care and bring innovative R&D and commercial production in-house with the Form 3B+, an advanced 3D printer for healthcare professionals and medical device engineers.
The Form 3B+ is compatible with our entire SLA materials library, including biocompatible, sterilisable materials.
Form 3BL 3D Printer
Large Medical Devices and Anatomic Replicas at Full Scale
3D print adult patient-specific anatomy at 1:1 scale or large medical devices in one build with the Form 3BL, a large-format 3D printer developed for medical professionals. This 3D printer is compatible with the majority of our SLA materials library, including biocompatible, sterilizable materials.
Fuse 1 3D Printer
3D Print Production-ready, End-use Parts With SLS Powders
With in-house 3D printing, medical device firms can create end-use parts without tooling, making it possible to create cost-efficient custom parts and complex designs. Print with biocompatible materials and test them directly on body parts, meaning you’re able to collect feedback and iterate designs faster than ever before.
Artec 3D Scanners
Artec 3D scanning applications in healthcare
Portable, safe and versatile, Artec 3D scanners are widely used by medical and healthcare professionals for creating custom-fit orthotic solutions, ergonomic prosthetic devices, back braces, dental implants, measurements, and more.