
Formlabs Fuse Blast

Formlabs Fuse Blast

Fully automated cleaning and polishing solution

Fuse Blast is an advanced automated finishing solution for SLS parts that quickly removes powder and consistently delivers professional parts that are clean to the touch. Deliver a smooth, semi-gloss, and dye-ready surface finish with the polishing option.


Choose between automatic or manual cleaning to deliver professional parts that are clean to the touch.


The polishing function allows you to take it to another level with customer-ready parts that exhibit a smooth, semi-gloss surface finish.

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03 9687 8638


7A Kent St,
Yarraville, VIC 3013

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    Automated Cleaning

    The best option to effortlessly clean parts with Fuse Blast. The 100% hands-off post-processing cleans a full build volume of parts in as little as 10 minutes with pre-programmed routines that take out the guesswork.

    Versatile Manual Modes

    Switch between automatic, manual-assisted, or handheld modes to ensure thorough cleaning for any part size or geometry.

    Consumer-Grade Parts

    Fuse Sift will dispense and mix used and new powder automatically so you can reduce waste and control your powder supply.

    Saving Time and Costs

    Minimize overhead costs thanks to the waste separation system that reduces media saturation and extends media life by four to eight times, while reducing time spent extracting parts on Fuse Sift by 80%.

    Optional Polishing Upgrade

    Enhanced Polishing for a Professional Finish

    Fuse Blast offers advanced automated cleaning for SLS parts, efficiently removing powder for a clean-to-the-touch surface. For an elevated finish, the optional polishing feature delivers a smooth, semi-gloss, and dye-ready surface, ensuring consistent, high-quality results with minimal effort.


    Formlabs 3D Printers and Production Solutions

    Formlabs Fuse Blast

    Want To Know More?

    Our team of 3D printing professionals are just an email or a phone call away.

    contact us


    03 9687 8638


    7A Kent St,
    Yarraville, VIC 3013

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